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Monday, February 27, 2012

Grumble Grumble, whine... xD

Would you like some cheese with that whine? Yeah, that's how I feel right now - for some reason, I got hit with the worst case of just getting annoyed this evening - it started with my roommate spraying way too much 'air freshener' or as my quad mate calls it 'air purifier' ... and making me have to open both windows, to do all I could to avoid giving myself an asthma attack and getting a horrible headache! Seriously, why do people not get the meaning behind 'less is more'? SERIOUSLY! -sigh- So I've basically been freezing for most of the night because I'm too lazy to get up -- it also has to do with the fact that the room is freezing, and I'm nice and warm under my blankets... although the top one loves to move and shift and all that, so I'm not really sure if it's over me completely anymore, but it's on my bed, that's all that counts. I'm warm, and I don't want to get up.
And then the boys above me started playing loud bass music, and I was going to attempt to sleep, as you've noticed by the time on this post, yeah --- that one failed epically... it's 1:37am at the moment, and by the time that I get around to posting it, it'll be around 2- -- and I need to be up around 7 am as I have a class at 8... as I've already decided, as much as I can get away with it, I'm not talking today -- SIGN ONLY! Yes, it's going to be a pretty much no talking day -- NTM (No Talking Mode). For those of you who don't know. I'm a Deaf Studies major - and I'm in ASL IV this semester - so I can do this. I don't care if they don't know sign. I'm not talking unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary! -nod-

I don't really know why it just put me into such a foul mood... -sighs and pouts- I just hope that it doesn't last long. >.< I also hate confrontations and I need to have one because this is becoming a health issue. >.< Doesn't make me happy as I don't like them and I avoid them at all costs.

Anyways, sorry, just needed to get that out there, as maybe that's why I've got horrid insomnia tonight. -glares at the clock and then tries to come up with some evil plan to trap the sandman to get him to sprinkle his sand on me so I can actually get a bit of sleep so I don't fall asleep in my 8 am class... that'd not be good!-

-huggles to y'all from a slightly mental, annoyed, and sleep deprived college student-


PhoenixphyreAu said...


As for your roommate try talking to her and if that doesn't work after that the next time she goes overboard with the spray tell her that SHE has to buy your next lot of puffers as I know even over here they're not cheap. Basicaly use it sparyingly or pay for the medication to keep you breathing through the putrid cloud of overused airspray.
As for the rudeness of the brats above you and their music, dob them in to someone maybe? Grease their door handles, wait till they're trying to sleep and thump against their door or your ceiling to make noise? I don't know.

Just alittle heads up I've had so much trouble trying to use my blog on here I've actually exported the enitre thing over to and deleted it off here. Wil send you the link to it via PM on FB. So no more From the Ashes blog but am keeping my account so I can still follow you! xoxo