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Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting Older... by the Day....

Well, y'all already probably know this, but each day, one gets older. Lol. I'm in a weird thinking mood today, well the last few days... IT's only a week till I'm totally 100% legal in the States, and it's a weird feeling.

I probably should change the title to the Bi-weeky goings on of a Young Adult..... but.... I'm too lazy, even though it's technally not daily... it's the thought that counts right?

I'm not really supposed to be on right now, so I'm going to sign off for now with promises of a longer more in depth blog coming up soon... I PROMISE!

Hope all is well with y'all.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

And now for something completely different...

A Meeting with John Cleese.... well, fine fine. Not totally meeting him.... but... I do get to go and see him tonight.... LIVE!! Yes! You heard that right! Tonight! I get to go and see John Cleese live! Sooo Super EXCITED!

Ok, yeah, just a wee bit hyper, and not the usual way of starting one of my Blogs, but I couldn't help myself. Have to get myself out of the boring routine! So, yeah, here I am again, the crazed hyper blonde, who gets to see John Cleese Live..

Anyways, other happyness that's goin' on.... I'm going on a short holiday with my mum starting tomorrow and going through Tuesday. We're going down to the Bay Area and we're getting to go and visit friends down there. =]

Looking forward to it, definately!

Anyway, suddenly my hyperness is wearing off. Weird!

I need to get goin' as my laptop is actually starting to die, but I do promise to update soon!

Good Day to y'all and I'll talk to ya when ever I update next!! <3