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Friday, January 27, 2012

Minor in Procrastination... Check!

Well, one of my professors brought up that they think that most college students have a minor in Procrastination and I am starting to think that they are definitely correct!

I am laying on my bed here at school, and I'm staring at my Intro to Critical Thinking homework, wondering if I should do it and getting distracted by the net.... maybe I should turn off the computer. Although I do need to wait to it till I can ask my professor something... -headdesk-... I'm putting things off now.. aren't I?

Well, classes are going good. I survived my first week back, and now I've got my weekend... Yay! :D

Not really sure what else I want to put here, but once I find something worthwhile to say. ^_^

Hope that you all have had a good January! :D


Inna said...

I love that you used the word headdesk! I use that word a lot, and I don't know many other people who do. :)

Btw, I see that you did nanowrimo last year! That is so cool!! Congrats!

Running With Nemo said...

Inna, thanks!

And haha, yeah - I use it even in my speech in every day... get quite a few odd looks. I've also come up with the spin off terms - headpillow, headwall, depending on where I am or what mood I'm in at the moment. Haha! Yay for more people who use headdesk! :D

And thank you! It was definitely a challenge, and I'm currently still working on editing my crazy scary novel that's not even finished (I hit 50k and kinda stopped... as I got really sick, but now I'm rambling). But thank you very much! :D