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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jump like a Frog - Leap Day 2012

29th February 2012

So weird to write the 29th February.... considering that it doesn't come around very often. Strange and confusing. But that could just be me as well. :P
So weird that it's the last day of February!
This year is going by so crazy fast! Two months already gone?!
Only ten months left to go...

Well, I'm procrastinating on getting the outline for my speech for next week done... Why am I having such a hard time getting this speech written? XD

Random fact for this blog: Did you know that approximately 90% of kids who're born deaf are born to hearing parents and only around 5% of those kids have parents who actually will learn sign. The fact that most parents expect their kids to speak, end up putting their kids in the middle - without a culture, because they really won't fit into Deaf Culture, and the sure don't fit into Hearing Culture either. :( Makes me sad that parents wouldn't do all they could to communicate better with their kids. I know for a fact that when I have kids, I'm going to sign, whether they're deaf or not!

Anyways, just something to talk about. Definitely made me think when I first found that out. -nods-

Anyways, I'm going to go and do my Anthropology reading now, and then get dinner. Before I head out tonight for my weekly thing that I do with one of my friends. I really should be doing my research and speech planning, as that, to me, seems more important than the Anthro reading... but that's just me.
I want to be prepared for it on Monday. Why did I say I wanted to go on the first day?! Maybe because at the time I thought it would be good to just get it done and out of the way?
Yeah, I'm just stating the obvious, I know that much. Haha!
Anyone who knows me, will know that I am mental, but I embrace the insanity. :P
Life is so much more fun without ones sanity! :D
And I'm not really sure why I'm writing it like this, in a weird funky style. -shrug-
Just another sign to show how out of it I feel. >.< Heh!

Much love to you all! <3

I'm off to try to convince myself to get offline (If I'm not going to do my research for my speech) and if I do stay online, that I need to get something PRODUCTIVE done! Yeah, productive, and not procrastinate anymore than I already am.

I need to stop putting my Doctorate in Procrastination to use... and put it on the back shelf for awhile. I need to catch up to where I need to be.

DARNED fingers! RAN away from me... Ok, realy going now!

Bye for now, from a finally COLD and rainy (well, not at the moment but we did get a bit more rain! :D) California!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Severe Case of Text Anxiety

So I have my first BIG exam in my Communication Class tomorrow, and honestly, I'm freaking out over it... I managed to get EVERYTHING (for the most part) onto one piece of binder paper, front and back... don't ask me how, and the question will be - can I actually read my own hand writing when it comes down to actually using it tomorrow. >.<; -sigh- Doesn't help either that my comm prof keeps on telling us "you will need more time" "I leave when the class is over" "I am a hard tester..." *GONK* SERIOUSLY?! Why would she do that?! :( It doesn't help me not freak out! :( THAT'S MAKING it worse...

Eh, yeah, anyways - enough of me whining (there has been enough of that in the last blog to last awhile. >.< I'm probably freaking out over nothing, as per usual, as I typically psych myself out, and then it's like *EASY* Why was I freaking out over that?! type of thing... it happens far too often, and honestly, I start laughing at myself... I'm probably just doing that all over again. :P IT HAPPENS FAR TOO OFTEN!

It's like the Boy Who Cried Wolf -- I'm the Woman Who Compains too much about tests who turn out to be easy.

But that's way too much of a mouthful... I make myself laugh sometimes!

Well, I'm honestly surprised as to how many blogs I've managed to write in this month! :D I'm definitely going to try to get one in tomorrow -- *LEAP DAY!!* Why am I writing things in caps with * * around them? IDK... I'm strange, apparently! We all know by now I'm a strange woman, who's definitely quite mental - I blame school and just life - but haha, of course it's not just that -- It's just how I am, and I am who I am... not goin' ta change anything! :D Because I ish special and I embrace the specialness! <3

Anyways, I'm just rambling now, and attempt to get to sleep -- before 11 pm... *SHOCK* I know?! Totally unlike me -- I'll probably give up and muck around online, for a bit -- and be a bum, before passing out and then glaring at my alarm when it wakes me up so I don't sleep through class... THAT'D BE BAD!! No sleeping through the exam... >.<

Anyways, time for this rambling, sort of sleep deprived, mental college student to try to head to bed, and bid you all goodnight (it's night here where I am... so that's all that counts! ;))

Night! xox

Monday, February 27, 2012

Grumble Grumble, whine... xD

Would you like some cheese with that whine? Yeah, that's how I feel right now - for some reason, I got hit with the worst case of just getting annoyed this evening - it started with my roommate spraying way too much 'air freshener' or as my quad mate calls it 'air purifier' ... and making me have to open both windows, to do all I could to avoid giving myself an asthma attack and getting a horrible headache! Seriously, why do people not get the meaning behind 'less is more'? SERIOUSLY! -sigh- So I've basically been freezing for most of the night because I'm too lazy to get up -- it also has to do with the fact that the room is freezing, and I'm nice and warm under my blankets... although the top one loves to move and shift and all that, so I'm not really sure if it's over me completely anymore, but it's on my bed, that's all that counts. I'm warm, and I don't want to get up.
And then the boys above me started playing loud bass music, and I was going to attempt to sleep, as you've noticed by the time on this post, yeah --- that one failed epically... it's 1:37am at the moment, and by the time that I get around to posting it, it'll be around 2- -- and I need to be up around 7 am as I have a class at 8... as I've already decided, as much as I can get away with it, I'm not talking today -- SIGN ONLY! Yes, it's going to be a pretty much no talking day -- NTM (No Talking Mode). For those of you who don't know. I'm a Deaf Studies major - and I'm in ASL IV this semester - so I can do this. I don't care if they don't know sign. I'm not talking unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary! -nod-

I don't really know why it just put me into such a foul mood... -sighs and pouts- I just hope that it doesn't last long. >.< I also hate confrontations and I need to have one because this is becoming a health issue. >.< Doesn't make me happy as I don't like them and I avoid them at all costs.

Anyways, sorry, just needed to get that out there, as maybe that's why I've got horrid insomnia tonight. -glares at the clock and then tries to come up with some evil plan to trap the sandman to get him to sprinkle his sand on me so I can actually get a bit of sleep so I don't fall asleep in my 8 am class... that'd not be good!-

-huggles to y'all from a slightly mental, annoyed, and sleep deprived college student-

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Procrastinating yet again!

Well, looks as if Spring has hit Northern California earlier than normal this year. This warm weather is definitely something that I'm finding myself enjoying. <3 Warrrm weather! Something that made me giggle yesterday was I was talking to a friend and she wants one week of fall, one week of spring, and then 11 1/2 months of summer, and skip winter all together. :P Just felt like sharing it because it gave me a giggle at the time that we were talking about it.
Anyways, I'm putting off heading off to Starbucks to work on my homework like I usually do on the weekend - I've got an Anthro blog to do, studying for my comm experience exam on Wednesday, and then my ASL IV 2 min presentation on an accident which I'm doing on Tuesday night. But that last one won't be too hard, just have to figure out my 5 Classifiers that I'm going to use.

My Sis just texted me and had to remind me via facebook that she texted me for some reason, I didn't feel my phone vibrate... EPIC FAIL!! HAHA! That made me laugh. Oh, the things that are crazy weird, that you just wonder how you don't hear something, or feel something, vibrate when it's sitting right next to me. Well, near me.

Anyways - it's 11 am, and I've still not gotten out of bed -- crazy lazy person me! >.<

And I should be working on homework, seems to be a recurring theme here... whenever I post a blog, it's usually when I should be doing homework. I seem to be using this blog as a form of procrastination. Although if it wasn't this blog, it'd be something else.

I'm currently having giggles over a John Barrowman concert video on my iPod, man, this man makes me laugh. Special special man he is.

Ok fine. I'm going to make myself get up, get dressed in proper clothes, and head out to get some homework done, so I don't feel bad about putting things off. >.<

I'll do my best to post again tomorrow, depends on how things are coming along with my homework, and whatnot.

Much love to you all! xox

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

College = Pure Insanity

-Jumps in- So it seems that my goal (to myself) of blogging - or trying to - every day for like a month... has failed already! Darned school, and the whatnots, that have kept me from getting on, but hey, like my fourth blog this month, so I'm already doing better, right?

I'm having giggles over silly random friends, y'all know who you are. I love you all! Thanks for being able to make me smile and laugh. <3 I love you all!

But what I should be doing, other than working on this blog, which really shouldn't be a huge priority of mine at the moment, is studying for my Comm Experience exam which is next week, or my ASL IV exam which is next week as well, or my Anthro exam which is week after next, or the anthro readings which I need to have read and take the quiz on that by tomorrow at midnight, or the Anthro blog.... yeah yeah yeah, you get it. The list goes on and on and on, but what am I doing? I'm here instead! Haha! At least I'm keeping my blog alive, right?

If only I could do this and get credit for my college classes, now that'd be totally awesome! :D I'd so blog every day if that was the case! :D

Anyways, I'm sitting up in Starbucks working on this blog with my open anthro book next to me to the article that I'm supposed to be reading, and people watching. There are definitely some very interesting people who come in here. A lot of students with laptops working on homework, as the Starbucks offers free WiFi, so it's a good place to sit and work. :) A few couples on what look like dates, all cute and coupley (so making that a word - I know it's not - firefox is currently yelling at me saying that Coupley isn't a word... no matter if it's capitalized or not, apparently. But in the Dictionary of Molly-ese, it is!)

Ok, I probably should stop ignoring the book next to me and get this work done, because the sooner that I get this article read and the quiz taken, I can head back to my room so I'm actually there when Kim comes to get me around 6 pm.

So I'm signing off for now. Much love and hugs to you all from a warm and sunny Northern California!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Just a few photos I felt like sharing :)

I just wanted to share some photos that I've been messing with with one of the new apps that I got in my iPod awhile back. :) Plus some others that I've taken on my iPod which I'm rather proud of. :) They're in no particular order, just whichever ones I find first when going through my photos on my iPod. Haha!

sunset off parent's back deck over Winter Holidays at home

A collage that I made with just a few of the photos that I got when I was down in Australia

My adorable kitty! <3

Parent's back yard - loved the clouds! <3

Taken at the Cosumnes River Preserve

Amazing Clouds - taken on campus the other week

Taken only a short while after the previous photo was taken
Taken at the campus where I take my ASL IV class - which isn't the main campus that I live on.

I didn't take this but I found it awhile back somewhere, and it made me giggle.

Taken on a walk with a friend

Another photo that I took on the walk with my friend

Me and my friend who I took the photos with (the last two tree/sunset photos)
Made on my imikimi app

Horsie picture of me - made on the imikimi app

Because I do! <3 The couple is John Barrowman and Scott Gill
Made on my imikimi app

Goals for 2012

I'm not calling them resolutions because for some reason when I set resolutions I never seem to keep them.
So here are a few of my Goals for 2012:

1) Blog more!!

2) Figure out where my next big trip is going to be to and start saving for that

3) Find more time for personal reading

4) Start writing more

5) Work on communicating better

6) Get more involved with school (through clubs, etc)

7) Do my best in school

That all I can think of for now, I'm sure there will be more that I think of later. :)

Happy weekend from sunny Cali!

This is a picture of the gorgeous day from my window here at school. Sorry for the little dirty spots, the window needs to be cleaned on the outside. XD

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fighting through the Colds

Oh, I rather dislike the feeling of waking up feeling downright miserable (mainly chest cold feelings and a rather nasty sore throat), especially when you have to do something -- like write a paper (like I did this morning) -- it's still not done, btw.. I still need to go and add in four more terms from lectures and the book... etc... it's driving me absolutely mental. Thankfully it's almost done.

I'm going back to my room after this, making myself a nice cup of peppermint tea, and going to sleep. I've so not been sleeping enough. And stressing about assignments for classes, which is never any fun at all... so need to get myself to stop stressing.

I've recently joined pintrest (the link is on the main page of my blog at the top - where it says follow me -- click it and it'll take you to my page. I've been working on my bucket list on there and that's totally gotten me thinking. I also want to try to set a goal for myself... like blogging every day for a month.. I totally swore to myself back when I started this blog that that's what I'd do - and I've epically failed... although, at least I've not let it die completely and do post in it -- eh... somewhat often - mainly whenever things strike me and I need to say something. I do know that I have a few followers, some awesome friends, but in all honestly, I don't know who reads my blogs - I mainly just ramble on and if any of you can keep up with my ramblings, then good for ya! <3 Thank you for putting up with my lack of posts and all of that.

I'm so procrastinating at the moment - I've got my Comm paper doc open but what am I doing? I'm on here, writing this blog post instead of going through the books and papers that I've got next to me.

Although I'm somewhat figuring out, in my head, what I need to do with my definitions that I need to add into this paper.

Question to those of you who do read: What do you think of the fact that Prop 8 here in California has been deemed unconstitutional and there is the possibility if it goes to the supreme court here, and they find it unconstitutional that all 50 states will have to recognize Gay marriage (from what I understand at least)? Do you agree, disagree? Don't have an opinion at all? ((Totally random and not related at all, I went to write opinion and for some reason my fingers wrote onion... xD)-- only reason that I'm asking, is because this is what my assignment is about - analyzing a conversation that I had with a friend over Prop 8 and how apparently we both have VERY different opinions on the matter. -shrugs- Doesn't matter if you answer or not, just food for thought.

Anyways, I better get this essay done, enough procrastinating, as I need a nap - so bad - was fighting staying away in Intro to Crit Thinking and History 17B... not good to do when going over what's on the exam (in Crit Thinking) that's next class, and trying to take lots of good and detailed notes from lecture in History. XD >.< I survived, but now I'm listening to music in the library as I need to print this essay when I'm done with it, and then.. NAP TIME!

Ok, wrapping up for now, time for me to get my fingers back on track and working on writing & Editing this freaking essay so I can turn it in tomorrow at 8 am.... Fun times!

Happiness and smiles to you all from me up here in the totally confused (weather wise) state of California and hope that you all are having fantastic days no matter where you are!


PS - I totally spaced and posted this before I could wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day! <3 <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trying to play catch-up

So it's been too long since I've posted on here - so much has been going on. XD

I'm loving all my classes even if they are slowly driving me insane. I'm taking communication experience and physical anthropology on Monday's and wednesdays. And then intro to critical thinking, history 17b, and ASL IV on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a full schedule but I like it. Have amazingly cool professors who make their subjects worth learning. Definitely helps to Have a teacher who loves the subject they teach.

I'm also trying to get myself to figure out how much time I have left with school as part of me is feeling that it's taking too long. And I'm starting to feel discouraged. But I can do this -- I can do this!

I've met a new friend who's in my ASL IV class who happens to know another friend who I know since high school , weird but pretty cool - it's nice to have someone who I can practice my signing with.

((also sorry if there are any mistakes as I'm writing this on my iPod))

Anyways time for me to get back to my friend and the movie marathon we're having. I'll post more later! <3
