I know! I know! I'm horrid at remembering to post! But I'll do my best to post on a more regular basis.
Quite a bit has happened since my last update.
Let's see. I'll put them in bulleted form.
Here I go.
-We got to go and see John Cleese live on Nov, 7th, 2009,And OMG It was AMAZING! Seeing him live... sooo funny! 2 hours of total awesomeness! <3 Loved it! Absolutely loved it!! <3333 If you ever do get the chance to see him live, totally go for it! <3 Amazing AMAZING! Gotta love Brittish Humor!
- Mum and I took a great trip down to the Bay area the 8th through the 10th of November. Great to see everyone down there. Well, at least those who we did get to see. Sadly we didn't get to see everyone that we know down there, but hopefully we'll get to see everyone else soon! <3 Love y'all!
- Oh, on the 2nd of Nov. My "Little" Brother, turned 16! Wow! And he's going for his Driver's License Test on this coming Tuesday -- the 22nd, I believe, of December. He was going to take it on the 7th of December, but we got a TON of snow -- about 4ish inches at my folks house, and of course, the DMV was closed so he couldn't take it. He was totally bummed out! I know he'll do well when he does take it. <3
-My parents and a few friends threw me a suprise 21st birthday party the Saturday before my birthday.
-I turned 21, on the 23rd of November. Wow! It's crazy! I don't feel any different!
-I signed up for classes at the Junior College I'll be attending coming the 19th of January, 2010. And I also got into the dorms! YAY! I've got somewhere to stay. Mum and I will be heading over there tomorrow to pay for the dorms, before the office there closes for the Winter Holidays.
-We had the MaLode Holiday Party, and Melissa, one of my oldest best friends (we've known each other since we were 5 months old, or so) and I got surprised with a Joint Birthday Cake, as we're only 15 days apart in age. Most there were surprised that we were now 21! It's weird! I feel soooo old!
- Other than that, nothing much... oh wait!!! On the 7th of December, we got snow here! O.o Totally insane! Enough to make a decent sized snow man on our back deck, with real coal for the buttons, eyes, and mouth, and a carrot nose. My brother and I posed with it for pictures, of course! <3 Awesome! White December, even if it's all melted now, it was fun while it lasted.
My brother had 2 days off school, so an unexpected 4 day weekend.
I got to go over to a friends house, who's a Sr in HS, and we got to go somewhat sledding in her back pasture, and make snow angels. It was fun! And better than sitting around all day. She goes to a different HS than my brother, and they had a five day weekend. At least that's what I know. Don't if they had school on Thursday or Friday. Who knows, they might not have. Lol.
-Nothing much more excitement is going on. My grandmother is coming up early for Christmas, she should be here Monday or Tuesday of next week, and then staying through Christmas.
Our house is all pretty and has lights up, and this is our first year with an actual mantle around the fireplace, which is great! We have our stockings all hung up around that, and we have little figurines and candles on it! So Christmassy! It's awesome!
Anyways, that's pretty much all that's happened since I updated last! Again, I'm so sorry for being so lazy and not ontop of this but I'll do better, well, at least I'll try to do better. With going back to college next semeter, I'm not sure how much time I'll have, but I will try!
Much love to all!
Happy Solstice!
Happy New Year!