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Monday, September 28, 2009

Yes... New Book Arrived and Makes Me a Happy Woman!

Sorry but this is going to be a short one for now, as I do need to get back to my book that is calling for me... The Lost Symbol, that book that I was waiting for, arrived today and *SQUEE* I am so happy! So yeah, just wanted to say that my blogs may be put off for a couple days while I finish it. Not sure how long it will take me but I am going to try to read it slow... haha! Have a feeling that is going to fail.

Anyway, I do hope that this reaches everyone who reads this random blog in good health. I must dash back to my book, but I will give y'all a full report when I've finished it!

Ta Ta for now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life Flows By... Like The River In My Backyard

Well, I meant to start this a bit ago, but I got distracted watching a video with my brother and dad about Yves Rossy, the "Jet Man" (The Video of His Flight Across the English Channel). It's pretty amazing! And then I got distracted by real life, so of course this blog is comming a day later than I meant it to come. Oh, well.

Anyway, I really don't know what to put in this blog. Apparently, I've lost my train of thought.... hm....

Life, and words, flow by like the river that is in my back yard (Yes there really is a river in my back yard, just look out my door and you'll see it). They just flow past me and I need to know when to reach out to 'pick' them out, to figure out the right words to put on here.

I guess my fingers aren't as 'chatterboxxy' today as they have been in the past. I do mean to update daily, but when my fingers don't feel like writing, I guess I can't force them. Lol!

Today is 16 days till he leaves, sad sad. Don't want him to go, but I can survive! I will survive!

Life flows on, and of course it 'drags' me along with it. I might as well get back in my boat and regain control of it. Let's see how that goes. And where that takes us, shall we?

I'll try to post a longer post later, but for now, I'm signing out.

Ta Ta for now.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Staring into My Bear's Eyes

(Just to let y'all know, I wrote this one last night -just wasn't able to get it up and posted till this morning - so I will be getting another one up today, if all goes well.)

Well, here, I am again, I can't seem to stop from posting, I'm addicted to blogging! Help! Lol! I'm trying a new format to make it easier for me to organize my thoughts and so I can put multiple things and thoughts into one blog, and make it easier to read and whatnot. Hope it works! Here I go.

Book Related News
(Yes, I admit it.. I'm a BOOK WORM! And Proud Of IT!)

The Lost Symbol

I ordered Dan Brown's latest book The Lost Symbol the other day and I got the email conformation from, where I ordered it from, that it shipped out today! *SQUEE!* It should be here by the 28th. So excited! I didn't realize that it was out till like day before yesterday, and was like ... OMG! Must have! So I went onto Amazon and found a BRAND NEW copy for around 16 dollars (with shipping and handling it was almost 21 dollars..) not bad not bad at all! Considering that I'm a jobless Young Adult with not that much money to her name. It's not bad at all. And my mum is quite excited that I'm getting it. I think, if I'm not careful, she'll try to 'steal' it from me so she can read it first. Lol! Even though I've specifically stated that I'm reading it before her. We'll see how that goes. Lol!

Birthday News
My 21st birthday is coming up - 2 months from yesterday (Sept. 23rd). I have absolutely  no idea what I'll be doing to celebrate. Maybe I'll just get together with friends?? We'll see. I have a couple months left to plan. I just wish that Rick could be there. He told me the other day that when I turn 21 I get a new nickname. I wonder what it'll be. I wanna know now! I'm not good at waiting. Lol! I have to figure out a new nickname for him. But I personally like Adorably Cute Evil Dork (Or A.C.E.D. for short).... it really does fit him. It does! It really really truly does.

Author Review 

Kristen Hannah and Laurie R. King

I totally recommend any of the books by Kristen Hannah, and also the books by Laurie R. King.

Hannah writes AWESOME romance novels, and they're not the cheep kinds of books where you can guess the ending. They're amazingly written and I love them all! I've read all but 3 of her books now. And there are about 19 or so books that she's written. Amazing amazing amazing!

King writes mysteries. Her Mary Russell Series, is a spin off of Sherlock Holmes, and boy oh boy, she knows those characters well! I'm a huge Holmes fan and she give him justice. Taking the original series, by Conan Doyle, and adding her own twist, and embelishing on the characters. I can't put the books down once I start reading them. Haha! Addicting.

Both of these authors, Hannah and King, are both amazing women, who know how to write amazing novels! If you're into Romance or Mysteries, definately check these two amazing women out!

Book Review
This book, by Laura Hillenbrand, is an amazing book, one following the career of one of the greatest race horses, Seabiscuit, and how he, The Biscuit, brought together a group of people who were the under appreciated, and helped people believe that miracles do happen. They happen everyday. You just need to believe and understand that "Just because something is broken, it isn't worthless."

I give this book Five out of Five stars!

Back to Real Life
Brother's Interrupt

My younger brother (I am the oldest of two - my brother and I are five years apart in age), just called for the phone, that just so happened to be in my room, because I was going to give a friend a call, but I got distracted with this blog. Lol! So he rolled himself self into my room in his wheelchair (he got in an accident almost two weeks ago now, and he's unable to walk normally for the time being).

I just made that phone call that I mentioned in my earlier blog, about the house sitting. I've decided to do it. Good money, and it will be good to have some more money stashed away, just in case I need some. Ya never know when it will come in handy.

Earlier today, when my brother got home from school (one of his friends dropped him off), we watched the end of Air Force One. Great movie, just can't watch it all... I have issues with "R" rated movies, but it has some great music, and some pretty good lines ("Get Off My Plane!" GO HARRISON!! Lol! Love him! Even though he's an old guy, he's still awesomerific.) so I watch it for the music and those lines that I love. If you haven't seen it and don't mind watching "R" rated movies, definately see Air Force One. Definately a must see, and is definately on my list of movies that I love! (And that's saying something as I'm not normally one for "R" rated movies.

Speaking of movies, I wish that I could find my Seabiscuit movie. I've misplaced it and I have absolutely no idea where it is. Makes me sad T_T but I'll survive... somehow! Lol! *Sings* I will survive! Da Na Na Na Na Na Na!

I'm laying on my bed, reading fan fiction and staring at my newly organized bookshelves, that my dad made for me. It makes me happy that it's finally organized, and also staring into Curly's eyes. She's sitting on the bar stool that I have at the foot of my bed, just to get her out of the way for now. She's very dear to me. And definately is starting to show wear, but I know in the course of the next three months, I'm definately going to be sleeping with her a lot and taking her with me, because I'm just compulsive and odd like that. She's special to me and helps connect me to Rick, who was the one who gave her to me for my 16th birthday, as I've stated previously.

Anyway, It's time for me to head back to the next chapter of my fan fic that I really do need to get written and sent off to my Beta, who I feel bad for not getting it to her sooner. Back to writing now, and see if I can get my 'chatterboxxy' fingers to allow me to write the chapter that I need to write, and not just random nonsense on here.

Ta Ta for now!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Movies, Music, and Life

Well, today. Let's see, today started way too early for me, if I have any say in the matter. Lol! Slept with Curly again, she did help me sleep. For some odd reason I woke up at 1 AM and was up till around half 2 or so. Sleeping problems suck.

Anyways, I finally got myself up and out of bed around seven thirty or so this morning (still too early if you ask me but eh, I wasn't going to fall back to sleep, so might as well get up and embrace wide awakeness.. .I guess). I was up in time to see my father, before he left for work, and my brother, before my dad left with him to take him to school.

I watched Elizabethtown (I've been in the mood for movies with brittish actors apparently?) and that was good. Going to probably watch it again with mum tonight. That and Easy Virtue. Not sure which one tonight. Both are good. Probably Easy Virtue tonight, in a mood for British accents again, I think.

Today, I don't have many plans, I'm working on trying to write the next chapter of my story. Which is going well... not really, but I can think positively, right?

Also, I had to spend some time with my cat, who was being extra demanding for attention, only to remember about a half hour ago, that I'm partly allergic to him, so now my eyes itch, and I feel all stuffy. Darn! The price one pays for spending time with a pet who they're allergic to.*sigh* But I love him and he's too adorable to not cuddle with, so I guess I just have to pay for wanting to spend time with my fat cuddily cat. Haha!

So, here I am, laying on my bed at my parents house, listening to Truly Madly Deeply, and resisting the urge to sing along. One thing that you'll find out about me, is that I don't like singing infront of people, even my parents, but sometimes I do slip up and start singing. Of course, mum has to mention it every single time that she hears me sing. She says she likes to hear me sing.

The song just changed, and I am not in the mood to listen to this one, so I'm going to change, it because I can. Oh this song, Glamorous, reminds me of my prom night, with my group of friends in the limo that we went in. Fun times! Good memories. Funny how specific songs will trigger specific memories that happened during listening to those songs. It's funny how memories work that way.

I got a job offer today that I think I may take. Who knows. Still concidering it. Five days, of house sitting, which is kind of hard for me as I don't drive, because I don't want to, so I'd have to rely on my parents coming to get me and whatnot. I'm ok with staying places by myself - had to get used to it when I moved out for college, but it's hard with the transportation issues. I probably need to make a decision sooner than later and give her a call.

Great! The song pulled me into singing it as it's playing. I'm somewhat in a private quiet place, my blue/green bedroom at my parents. I have the only room in the house that's not a boring white color. I painted it at the begining of this summer with one of my friends -- it went from a bright pink color to a beatuful blue/green that I love. Not totally the look that I was going for but I still love it! =] -- Anyway, what I was saying before I got distracted with my room color, is that I'm in a private place (my bedroom) so I can sing, somewhat with out worrying about having anyone (anyone being just my mum right now -- Dad and my brother being at work and school [in that order - Dad is at work and my brother is at school]) hearing me sing. So I sing quietly just in case.

It's changed to another song, I just remember the name of it right now. Lol. I got it from my parent's computer, one of the songs that my brother has downloaded and bought from iTunes, and I forgot to put the name of it, on my iTunes when I put it on. Lol.

Oh, another movie that I love (I'm listening to Way Back Into Love now) is Music and Lyrics. Hugh Grant, he's amazing! And has a great singing voice! You can't hear his accent when he sings. It's amazing! Beautiful movie! Way Back Into Love is another song that I can't help but sing along with. What can I say, It's got a catchy tune! Haha!

Anyway, I'm going to sign out for now, if I keep on going, I'm just going to end up giving you a play by play of my life and I don't know if you want to hear my boringness, but eh, I also need to take a break from my computer, so I'm signing off for now.

Till next time, Have a Terrific Day and Enjoy Life!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Movie Review - Easy Virtue

I saw Easy Virtue tonight, with Ben Barnes and Jessica Biel. The Link To the Page for this movie Pretty good movie, not totally what I expected. I still loved it. I think it was the fact it was set in England with Ben (haha, got a wee crush on him). Lol! He's so adorable. I won't give any plot away for those of you who haven't seen it. I do recommend it. Just be prepared for an odd ending.

I give it four out of five stars.

Cold Mornings, and Slow Starts

Well, today, was a pretty cold morning. Of course, I slept with my windows open, as it's still so hot during the day  - it was over 100 yesterday - so my room gets waaay too hot at night, so I can't sleep, unless I have the window open. But of course, it gets pretty coldish at night (mid 50's or so) so my room gets quite chilly in the mornings. That's what I get for keeping my windows open during the night to keep the breeze going. Haha! So I woke up this morning, really really hungry, and not wanting to move as it was so cold. Of course, I shut my windows, but that didn't help much, Blankets are my best friends.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. It is hard, when you love someone, but they don't love you back. Knowing that your love will never be returned the way that you feel it. It's kinda sad and makes me feel lonely.

One of my best friends, whom I love dearly, is leaving soon, and it's going to be hard for me not being able to talk to him at all for three months. We'll see how it goes. Taking it one day at a time. I've taken to sleeping with the teddy that he gave me for my 16th birthday (her name is Curly Creme - even though she's not really that curly any more, from being laid on. Lol! And her Creme colour is not as creme colured anymore. She's getting old, but she's well loved, so that's what matters, right?). She helps me, even though I wish that I could hug him, not the teddy, it's better than nothing.

So, well, not really sure what else to put in this blog. I'm just doing my best to live my days, and not think about how much I'll miss my friend who's leaving. I may need some love and support to get me through the rough times when he's gone. I'll let you all know if I do.

For some reason, I'm having a hard time waking up this morning. I just don't want to change out of my PJ's but I probably will have to because my mother wants me to go into Cool with her to go shopping. I guess we need more food? Lol. My brother eats a lot! Growing boy he is! I told her that I may or may not go with her, depends on how I'm feeling and how awake I am.

My mom reminded me that I have some library books that were due yesterday that I forgot to call in and renew! Oops! I better call when they open today to renew them so I don't have to pay fines on them being late! I guess that's what I get for being half asleep yesterday, and then having to go to that meeting about classes at Sierra College yesterday. I was going to have mom take them by the library as she was in town yesterday because she has a class that she takes (a water coloring class) on Tuesday Afternoons. But I forgot and so did she. So I'll just renew them today and it'll all be good!

I'm writing a fan fiction that I can't seem to get past Chapter 6 on. It's driving me insane! I so want to write, but writer's block has set in, so I'm taking a small break from that to see if that helps. If any of you people who do read this (not sure if anyone does, I may just be talking to myself), can you give me any ideas on how I can cure writer's block? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Anyway, signing out for now. I better go and get ready for my day, of nothingness

Till then, be good, and enjoy life!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

And Life Goes On

Well, I'm not sure how this will go.... Lol! I just got the urge to start blogging, like many do, after I saw the movie Julie & Julia - great movie btw, I totally totally totally recommend it. It's odd how one gets influenced by the things that they do or see around them.

I'm concidering getting Julia Child's biography, as now I'm really intrested in reading about her life. I need some more books to read. I read too fast. Lol!

Today, I had a counseling Appointment down at Sierra College, and it went well. I'm only going to be taking three courses next semester there, ASL 1, Algebra, and an English Course. Pretty easy. It's 12 units for all three classes. Yay, and hoping that I'll get into the dorms. Still waiting for the paperwork to come. Should be here sometime this coming month! Will definately let y'all know what happens with that!

I'm looking forward to trying to update daily, as best I can.

For now, I should get going. My younger brother will be home soon, and I need to be ready to help him inside, as he injured himself a few weeks ago, and needs help getting up into the house sometimes.